That aside, girls are weird. Or maybe it's that girls peter out at being somewhat average (because thats less insulting than being weird, im sure) and its the boys who are weird. Either way I think we are missing each other here. I don't think Hugh Grant writes, produces and acts in his rom-com's (you can thank Kai for that wonderfully hideous abbreviation and do feel free to use it in real life sentences, because she sure ain't scared to) because he is taunting us with what a date gone right looks like. Its that he too must have at some point just completely missed girls in their entirety. come to think of it, i dont think Hugh Grant writes, produces or acts in any of those movies. Well he sort of acts, doesnt he - ooh, burn.
My point is this, Hollyweird made up these fantastical romantical stories that dont exist not out of spite but because of their own elusivity. So when eventually a girl and a boy crack down on something golden, they milk it for all its worth. It would be nice to be Mel Gibson at least for a day, so that i could know what women want. Not just one lady in particular, but just generally you know, but mostly just for that one - you know. I don't really want to be the moron writing about the girl that may or may not exist in his mind, i just mean to air my case in point. In two days I got four different perspectives on what girls want and what boys want. Two were gentlemen, themselves and the other two ladies. It must be said that its hard to believe why three of the four who are single are still in fact, single. That in itself does not make sense. I think more people should listen to country music, if they did we would have far fewer lonely hearts. I don't mean to get all weak on you now, I just feel like this sort of stuff takes up too much space in my mental stacks. The problem is i cant switch it off. I feel like I'm letting down my friend Dan. I said I would try real hard and be content with who I am, as Tom. Not Tom and (insert goose's name here). Dan, im not so sure I'm as strong as that. Im not looking for pity, I realise you are all watching me play out this drama as it plays out in my head because i have invited you in - that way i am hoping you can either watch and laugh as i fumble my way around conversations with people who have girl parts or watch and give me some pointers.
There is this song by this political ska band from Italia, called Bella Ciao. The band's name is Talco and you can legally download their album here and you can thank Bruce for that revelation (
Try out these lyrics for size:
"she thinks i walk on water
she thinks i hung the moon
she tells me every mornin' they just don't make men like you
she thinks i've got it together
she swears i'm as tough as nails
but i dont have the heart to tell her that she dont know me that well
she dont know how much i need her
and she thinks she needs me."
Dear girls of the Multiverse - just say that. I'l be fine if you just say that.
And then sometimes in life your vice principal walks into your class bearing 1.2kg's of M & M's. Have you ever? This was courtesy of a girl about 13000 miles from here. I just don't understand. I'm not going to argue, because after all M & M's are well and truly my favourite. Girls, in general are a massive vibe, i don't really know too much more than that at this point.
Alright we are done like yesterday's dinner.

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